. "The [[Virtuoso server]] provides a ready-to-use [[Wiki engine]] called \"WikiV\".\nIt keeps source texts in DAV collections, allowing users to edit them via DAV or\nvia any web browser. When a source text is changed, WikiV converts it into HTML\nand a modified version is immediately available for all visitors of the website.\nUnlike most of other Wiki engines, WikiV stores both source and compiled pages\nnot in separate files but in a database. Moreover, WikiV pre-process the page\nwhen the page is changed, so the browsing of the resulting pages is made more\nefficient then in the most of other engines.\nAs a result, WikiV provides good speed and scalability for large\ncorporate and Internet sites.\n\nTwo major syntaxes are supported:\n * [[TextFormattingRules][TWiki based oWiki dialect]] (default)\n * [[MediaWikiFormattingRules][MediaWiki based syntax]] \n" . "WikiV" . . "WikiV" . "2016-09-14T12:07:09.164421"^^ . . . "WikiV" . "cbfdd7dd506b1a2d8cd2aabb806773d4" . . . . . . . . "2016-09-14T12:07:09Z" . . "2016-09-14T12:07:09.431512"^^ . "2016-09-14T12:07:09Z" .