. "2016-09-14T12:28:34.319183"^^ . "ChangeNotes" . "ChangeNotes" . "2016-09-14T12:28:34.319183"^^ . . . . . . . "2016-09-14T12:28:34Z" . "2016-09-14T12:28:34Z" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "ChangeNotes" . . . . . "d13b642c22196539e613e5b41ac7826b" . . . . . . . . "--+iODBC Change Notes\r\n\r\n%TOC%\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.12 Stable Version Released\r\n\r\n * Added new Cocoa based dialogs for Mac OS X which will allow 64bit applications to\r\n use the standard Login and Setup dialogs from the iODBCinst framework\r\n * Added 64bit version of the iODBC Administrator to configure and test DSNs on drivers that are\r\n only available in 64bit format\r\n * Fixed User DSN support for recent versions of Microsoft Excel and Query on Mac OS X\r\n * Documentation fixes\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.11 Internal Version\r\n\r\n * Added xcodebuild option for Mac OS X 10.11\r\n * Added support for x86_64 to iODBC Demo\r\n * Fix crash ODBCdemo - error message overwrite stack data\r\n * Fix iODBCdemo issue with UID/PWD values\r\n * Fixed crash in iODBC DM on push of \"Test\" button when 64bit ODBC driver is used.\r\n * Fixed crash when create_dsnsetup fails to load the window.\r\n * Fixed crash when passing an empty connect string with no window handle\r\n * Fixed crash when passing an empty connect string with no window handle.\r\n * Fixed iODBCadm and iODBCdrvproxy Development build errors on OS X\r\n * Fixed iODBCadm and iODBCdrvproxy Development build errors on OS X.\r\n * Fixed iODBCdrvproxy XIBs not compiling to NIBs on OS X.\r\n * Fixed issue in SQLGetInfo\r\n * Fixed issue with Xcode on Mac OS X 10.10 Xcode 7.2.1\r\n * Fixed use only major.minor of Mac OS X version to configure flags\r\n * Fixed crash when create_dsnsetup fails to load the window\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.10 Stable Version Released\r\n\r\n * Fixed issue with ~/Library/ODBC/odbc[inst].ini on Mac OS X\r\n * Added build support for Mac OS X 10.10\r\n * Updated iODBC Administrator\r\n * Updated iODBC Demo\r\n * Fixed string truncation in Unicode <-> Ansi conversion on some API calls\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.9 Stable Version Released\r\n * Added support for building on recent versions of Mac OS X\r\n * Fixed warnings from autoconf/automake\r\n * Fixed infinite loop in connection pool\r\n * Fixed compiler warnings\r\n * Fixed build dependency for make -jX\r\n * Fixed check for Unicode driver\r\n * Fixed issue calling SQLCancel from other thread\r\n * Fixed SQLInstallDriverEx when driver is readonly\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.8 Stable Version Released\r\n\r\n2012-03-27\r\n\r\n\t* Added support for Mac OS X 10.7\r\n\t* Added Mac OS X build files to ignore list\r\n\t* Added initial .gitignore\r\n\t* Added more files to ignore\r\n\t* Converted build rules to compile the UI from new .xib files\r\n\t* Converted old .nib format to .xib format\r\n\t* Fixed list of files to be distributed\r\n\t* Fixed problem installing CFMSupport\r\n\t* Updated version of iODBC Demo to 1.1\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.7 Stable Version Released\r\n\r\n2009-09-11\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added iODBC Graphical Administrator for Mac OS X\r\n * Added iODBC CFM Bridge\r\n * Added resizable windows and dialogs for GTK+\r\n * Added option in tracefile for sequence number ($S)\r\n * Added additional translations between ANSI and Unicode\r\n * Fixed if tracefile gets too big, continue in new tracefile\r\n * Fixed unload bug due to wrong pointer deref\r\n * Fixed Connection Pooling UI\r\n * Fixed checking odbc_ver on connect handle\r\n * Fixed packaging of runtime only libraries\r\n * Fixed porting issues\r\n * Fixed documentation\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.6 Stable Version Released\r\n2007-01-05 \r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added support for GTK+ 2.x\r\n * Fixed long mutex lock on connect\r\n * Fixed problems with SQLBrowseConnect\r\n * Fixed missing functions in export list\r\n * Fixed core dump when checking for driver odbc version\r\n * Fixed allocation error in SQLDescribeCol\r\n * Fixed rpm specification for RedHat\r\n * Fixed porting problems on FreeBSD, OpenBSD and OSF\r\n * Use SQLFetchScroll in iodbctest\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.5 Stable Version Released \r\n2006-01-27\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added support for FileDSN\r\n * Added support for Connection Pooling\r\n * Added check for tracefile size\r\n * Call ODBC 2.x functions in driver if application uses ODBC 2.x only calls\r\n * Fixed problem parsing driver result in SQLSetStmtAttr\r\n * Fixed source code readability\r\n * Fixed bug in overwriting driver name\r\n * Fixed check for /Library/ODBC for Mac OS X\r\n * Fixed prototypes\r\n * Rewrote bootstrap script and configure summary\r\n * Use localtime_r in tracing when available\r\n * Fixed build issues with Mac OS X\r\n * Small code cleanups and fixes\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.4 Stable Version Released \r\n2005-11-07\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added support for Mac OS X 10.4 Universal kit (ppc, ppc64 and i386)\r\n * Removed dependency between iodbc and iodbcinst shared libraries\r\n * Cleanups to the build process particularly on MacOS X\r\n * Clarification on LGPL license conditions\r\n * Bugfix: error on subsequent SQLExecute statements\r\n * Fixed problem building 64bit GUI components\r\n * Fixed problem determining which compiler to use on AIX\r\n * Enabled SHLIB_PATH on HP/UX\r\n * Fixed problem using # as comment in odbc.ini file\r\n * Disabled --disable-odbc3 flag\r\n * Small code cleanups and fixes\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.3 Stable Version Released \r\n2005-02-07\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added support for DSN-less connections\r\n * Added timestamp to ENTER/EXIT lines in trace file\r\n * Added build support for AIX 5.x, HP/UX 11.23 Itanium\r\n * Added build support for Mac OS X 10.3 (32bit) and 10.4 (32bit+64bit)\r\n * Fixed problem with SQLDriverConnect (SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT) if no setup dialog had been registered\r\n * Fixed symbol-clash between Oracle Instant client and iODBC on Mac OS X\r\n * Various small build fixes\r\n * Various stability bug-fixes\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.2 Source Released \r\n2004-02-28\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added tracing option for root without overwriting existing files\r\n * Added PORT.OpenLink script\r\n * Added special iodbc-config script for Mac OS X framework build\r\n * Fixed problem starting/stopping tracing\r\n * Fixed SQLSetConnectAttr to return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO if driver cannot handle option set before connect time\r\n * Fixed SQLInfo to use pcbInfoValue if present\r\n * Fixed NULL pointer problem in GTK choose driver dialog\r\n * Fixed problem with C++ prototypes with older 32bit code\r\n * Fixed locking problem with SQLAllocEnv/SQLAllocHandle\r\n * Fixed tracefile name expansion\r\n * Fixed problem running bootstrap.sh on machines without GTK\r\n * Fixed problem installing code in temp directory for packaging\r\n * Fixed problem calling SQLGetDiagRec on uninitialized handles in iodbctest program\r\n * Link iodbctest program with static iodbc libraries\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.52.1 Source Released \r\n2003-09-08\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added support for new ODBC 3.52 specification for 64bit environments\r\n * Added support for SQLGetEnvAttr(SQL_ATTR_WCHAR_SIZE extension\r\n * Added missing Mac OS X build files\r\n * Added script to symlink Mac OS X framework into /usr/local/iODBC to allow traditional GNU configurable packages to use the same version of iODBC\r\n * Added new layer to driver loading to prevent memory leaks when drivers cannot be physically unloaded\r\n * Added man pages for iodbc-config, iodbctest and iodbcadm-gtk\r\n * Added header file iodbcunix.h for portability\r\n * Enhanced tracing for SQLGetFunctions, SQLColAttribute\r\n * Fixed NULL pointer problem when connection failed\r\n * Fixed initialization problem with SQLGetPrivateProfileString\r\n * Fixed export Unicode and ANSI names of ODBC functions in libiodbc\r\n * Fixed SQLSetScrollOption emulation\r\n * Fixed tracing for SQLSetDescRec\r\n * Fixed rpm build issue with RedHat 9\r\n * Fixed MAC OS X install problem\r\n * Fixed Mac OS X build dependency on Carbon libraries\r\n * Fixed HP/UX shared library name handling\r\n * Fixed handling of UTF-8 sequences\r\n * Fixed compiler warnings\r\n * Small code cleanups and fixes\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.51.2 Source Released \r\n2003-08-22\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added support for installation layouts for different distributions e.g. --with-layout=RedHat\r\n * Added support for Mac OS X 10.3 (panther)\r\n * Added support for creating libodbc.so symlink\r\n * Added more ODBC 3.x calls to iodbctest.c program\r\n * Added SQLRowCount for SQL UPDATE/DELETE statements in iodbctest.c\r\n * Fixed build problem with older make programs\r\n * Fixed bug in state handling SQLCloseCursor\r\n * Fixed driver statement allocation problem\r\n * Fixed double free in statement handle\r\n * Fixed problem tracing variable length strings and binary data\r\n * Use snprintf when available to guard against buffer overruns\r\n * Small documentation fixes\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.51.1 Source Released\r\n2002-04-29 \r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Release of GTK based Administrator component\r\n * Improved API tracing functionality (improvement is trace granularity)\r\n * New SQLDrivers() API implementation\r\n * Upgrade to libtool-1.4.3\r\n * Reworked SRPM .spec-file to aid co-existence with other managers\r\n * Improved ./configure and GTK support for FreeBSD and MacOS X\r\n * Reinstated libiodbc.so dependency on libiodbcinst.so\r\n * State-transition fixes for SQLFetch/SQLExecDirect/SQLMoreResults\r\n * Tidied ini-file- and connection-string-parsing functions\r\n * Added a README.CVS\r\n * Symbol-clash removal\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC Version 3.51.0 Source Released\r\n2003-08-22 \r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Unicode support\r\n * Updated ODBC tracing support\r\n * Updated threading model\r\n * Improved graphical Administration (GTK) interface\r\n * General Bug fixes\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC 3.0.6 Source Release: \r\n2002-04-29\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Mac OS X support\r\n * Portability fixes\r\n * Small bug fixes\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC 3.0.5 Source Release:\r\n2001-06-12 \r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Portability fixes\r\n * Small bug fixes\r\n * CVS archive integration\r\n\r\nPlease continue sending your suggestions, questions and/or patches to the Archive Maintainer at iodbc@openlinksw.com\r\n\r\n---++iODBC 3.0.4 Source Release:\r\n2000-08-25 \r\n\r\nThis release was an source release only.\r\n\r\n---++iODBC 3.0.3 Source Release:\r\n2000-08-09 \r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Full source code for GTK GUI based iODBC Administrator for interactive administration of ODBC DSNs\r\n\r\nWe will be integrating this source code into the CVS archive at a later date.\r\n\r\nAs with any new releases, this release may contain some bugs and should therefore be considered a BETA release.\r\n\r\n---+++iODBC 3.0.3 Linux Binary Release:\r\n2000-08-09\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * GTK GUI based iODBC Administrator for interactive administration of ODBC DSNs\r\n\r\nAs with any new releases, this release may contain some bugs and should therefore be considered a BETA release.\r\n\r\n---++ iODBC 3.0.2 Development Release: \r\n2000-02-01\r\n\r\nThis release is the third in a series of development releases we have planned in order to lift the iODBC project to the next level.\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * SQLGetData returned SQLSTATE 24000 error as internal SQLNumResultCols call deadlocked\r\n * SQLDatasources argument check was wrong\r\n\r\nAs with any new releases, this release may contain some bugs and should therefore be considered a BETA release.\r\n\r\n---++ iODBC 3.0.1 Development Release:\r\n2000-01-28 \r\n\r\nThis release is the second in a series of development releases we have planned in order to lift the iODBC project to the next level.\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * Added code to make Driver Manager thread safe\r\n * Added code to call non thread-safe drivers from thread safe applications\r\n * Small bug fixes and code cleanups\r\n\r\n---++ iODBC 3.0.0 Development Release:\r\n1999-12-16 \r\n\r\nThis release is the first in a series of development releases we have planned in order to lift the iODBC project to the next level.\r\n\r\nThis release contains:\r\n\r\n * ODBC 3.x support and the ODBC 3.x to 2.x translation layer\r\n * Support for more platforms including MacOS X (Rhapsody)\r\n * Small bug fixes and code cleanups\r\n\r\nThe second release, which should arrive beginning January 2000 will have the thread manager code to allow developers to safely write multi threaded programs even though the driver may not be thread safe.\r\n\r\nThe third release will contain a full set of graphical administration tools for configuring both drivers and DSN's." .