. "2016-09-14T12:28:34Z" . "DownloadsDevelopment" . "2016-09-14T12:28:34Z" . "ad61772cc8ee3984a51a1ca1b4463add" . . . . . "2016-09-14T12:28:34.178255"^^ . . "2016-09-14T12:28:34.178255"^^ . "DownloadsDevelopment" . . . "---+iODBC Development Downloads\n\n%TOC%\n\n
\nWarning: this is UNSTABLE code; there is a chance it will not build out of the box. If you are looking for production-ready stable packages, please try the [[Downloads][stable downloads]] page instead.\n
\n\n---++About\nHere you can find the Development release of iODBC.\n\nThis branch is currently being used to work on support for Connection-Pooling and File DSNs.\n\n---++Downloads\nWe automatically generate a tarball ([[/downloads/iODBC/snapshots/iodbc-dev-current.tgz][iodbc-dev-current.tgz]]) every 3 days at 4am EST.\n\n---++CVS Access\n\nWe maintain this code in the iODBC-3_52_2-DEVEL branch in CVS. To check out this branch, you can run:\n\n\n$ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/iodbc login\n$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/iodbc co iodbc -r iODBC-3_52_2-DEVEL\n\n(The password is blank.)\n\nPatches and new contributions can be submitted as diffs from the current archive by performing the following steps:\n\n\n $ cvs add newfiles\n $ cvs -z3 diff -uN > diffs\n \n \nDiffs and contributions can be sent to the OpenLink iODBC source archive manager at iodbc@openlinksw.com for inclusion into the next iODBC distribution. Please provide accompanying documentation with bugs fixes and/or new features contributions.\n" . . . . "DownloadsDevelopment" . . .