"---+ MySQL-to-ODBC Gateway\n\n%TOC%\n\n---++ Introduction\n\n\n---+++ What\n\nThe MySQL-ODBC SDK enables you to make MySQL-specific applications\ndatabase-independent without wholesale re-writes of your application code.\nThus, applications that are written directly to the MySQL call level\ninterface now end up being database independent via iODBC, and usable\nagainst any ODBC accessible database (including MySQL).\n\n\n---+++ Why\n\nThe Open-Source community is rapidly producing innovative applications\nwhich, in many cases, require relational database services. Traditionally\nand historically, the tendency has been to look to MySQL as the default\nrelational database service for Open Source Applications (the \"M\" in LAMP)\nwhich is unfortunately retreogressive since the concept of database\nindpendence has long been addressed industry wide via APIs such as ODBC,\nJDBC, OLE DB, and more recently .NET. In some case the existence of these\nAPIs has been unknown to Open Source developers prior to application\ndevelopment, and in other cases the complexity of a port from the MySQL API\nto ODBC simply too difficult.\n\nThere are numerous reasons why you can't mandate MySQL or any other\ndatabase engine for that matter to every potential user of an Open Source\ndatabase centric application:\n\n * Compromises freedom of choice (\"Freedom of Choice\" is a central theme of the Open Source movement and concept)\n * Database vendor lock-in reduces the deployment scope of your application, and it also potentially impedes functionality growth (what happens when the underlying database lacks the functionality that you desire?)\n * Cost-Effectiveness is an Open Source value proposition main stay, so asking potential users to acquire yet another database (the real costs aren't $0.00 as resources will be required for administration, installation, configuration etc.) when functional ODBC accessible relational databases exist in house is simply contradictory at the very least\n\n\nODBC as a concept has always been designed to be database-independent;\niODBC as an Open Source project was devised to ensure platform neutrality\nfor ODBC (just as Mono is pursuing the same goals re. .NET). When you write\nan application using the ODBC API database interchangeablity becomes a\nreality.\n\n\n---+++ How does the bridge work ?\n\nPHP,Python and Perl each have MySQL-binding layers (likewise any other MySQL\napplication), and all that you need to do is rebuild the MySQL binding\nlayer by following the steps below:\n\n * Download a copy of the source, mysql2odbc-0.99.2.tar.gz and unpack it somewhere into your normal source repository.\n * Check what options `./configure' takes by running `./configure --help'. In this case, you have a choice of specifying any one of the following ODBC SDKs: * OpenLink iODBC SDK (available from OpenLink Web Site)\n * iODBC SDK (available from iodbc.org)\n * unixODBC SDK\n * Run ./configure with the appropriate ODBC options, and specify a --prefix of course; for example, ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql2odbc --with-iodbc=/usr/local/iodbc\n * Assuming this completes successfully, run\n\n\nmake\n\n\nand wait while it compiles\n * Become root and run\n\n\nmake install\n\n\nThis will create $PREFIX/lib/libmysqlclient.so.10.0.0 and assorted symlinks\naround it.\n\n * Finally, to use the mysql-odbc bridge (the component that you build with the SDK for your application), you need to tell your application to use it in preference to the normal libmysqlclient.so - normally this means you need to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory in which the library resides ($PREFIX/lib) or export LD_PRELOAD to the name of the library itself, before you run your application.\n * Test to see that your local iODBC or unixODBC environment is functional which implies ensuring that data access is possible via ODBC Drivers installed on the machine hosting your previously MySQL specific application.\n\n\n\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql2odbc/lib ./mtest -u dba -p dba -d \"Local Virtuoso\"\n\n\nThis should present a very simple UI from which SQL statements may be executed - try a\n\n\nselect * from sys_users\n\n\n---++ Download\n\nThe [[/downloads/mysql2odbc/mysql2odbc-0.99.2.tar.gz][current source]] of\nthis package can be downloaded from this location, and is released under\nthe terms of the LGPL license.\n\n\n---++ Bug Fixes\n\nIf you find a bug and have the know-how to fix it, please create a \"diff\nfile\" using GNU's \"diff\", preferably with \"context\" (diff -c or diff -u).\n\nIf the patch is small, add the patch file as an attachment to your mail if\npossible, otherwise tell us where we can pick it up. This will reduce the\nturnaround time for new updates etc.\n\n\n---++ CVS Access\n\nWe currently provide read-only CVS Archive access from\n[[http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=90494][SourceForge.net]] :\n\n\n\ncvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mysql2odbc login\ncvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/mysql2odbc co mysql2odbc\n\n\n(The password is blank.)\n\nPatches and new contributions can be submitted as diffs from the current archive by:\n\n\n\n$ cvs add newfiles\n$ cvs -z3 diff -uN > diffs\n\n\nDiffs and contributions can be send to the OpenLink iODBC source archive manager at [[mailto:iodbc@openlinksw.com][iodbc@openlinksw.com]] to be included the next distribution. Please provide accompanying documentation on which bugs are fixed or new features are introduced.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" . . . "2016-09-14T12:28:33Z" . . "2016-09-14T12:28:33Z" . . . "3dc178f4f949d164f57a97216ff3e4e9" . "2016-09-14T12:28:33.630858"^^ . . . "2016-09-14T12:28:33.630858"^^ . . . "MySQL2ODBC" . "MySQL2ODBC" . . . "MySQL2ODBC" . . . .