
Be aware that ODS exposes data as linked data which allows to query the groups via SPARQL as described in Querying ACL Rules.

  • \n\nname\n\n\n

    The name of the group to get.

  • \n
  • \n\nid\n\n\n

    The numerical identifer or the URI of the group to delete.

  • \n
  • \n\naccept\n\n\n

    The mime type of the accepted output. The group IDs and URIs are part of the output of acl.groups.list().

  • \n\n

    The details of the group as a JSON stream. See acl.groups.list() for an example. If no group by that name exists an HTTP status code of 400 is set.


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.


    " . . "GET" . "text/xml" . . . "EntryPoint - acl_groups_get" . . . . "

    Get details of a specific group.

    " . .