
The result format. This can be any of the Virtuoso supported formats:\n

For SPARQL select binding results:\n

auto - Automatic selection

HTML - text/html

application/vnd.ms-excel - Spreadsheet

application/sparql-results+xml - XML

application/sparql-results+json - JSON

application/javascript - Javascript

text/rdf+n3 - N3/Turtle

application/rdf+xml - RDF/XML

text/plain - N-Triples

text/csv - CSV

text/tab-separated-values - TSV


For construct or describe results:\n

text/rdf+n3 - N3/Turtle

application/rdf+json - RDF/JSON

application/rdf+xml - RDF/XML

text/plain - N-Triples

application/xhtml+xml - XHTML+RDFa

application/atom+xml - ATOM+XML

application/odata+json - ODATA/JSON

application/x-json+ld - JSON-LD

text/x-html+ul - HTML (list)

text/x-html+tr - HTML (table)

text/html - HTML+Microdata

application/microdata+json - Microdata/JSON

text/csv - CSV

text/tab-separated-values Tab-separated values

application/x-trig - TriG

application/x-nice-turtle - Pretty-printed Turtle (slow!)



" . "auto" . "format" . . . "0"^^ . "format" . .