. . . "GET" . "text/xml" . "

List all X.509 certificates accociated with an account.

" . "EntryPoint - user_certificates_list" . . "

An ODS account can contain an arbitrary number of certificates which can either be imported via user.certificates.new() or be created via user.certificates.create(). This method lists all certificates in the profile.

A JSON list of all X.509 certificates accociated with the account. For historical reasons all information is provided twice: once in a plain list and once in a clean JSON map.


\n [\n   [\n     1,\n     \"/CN=Sebastian Trueg (local ODS instance)/emailAddress=trueg@openlinksw.com\",\n     \"1 week(s) ago\",\n     \"67:1C:7A:E3:D2:2D:85:C9:E4:AF:BB:D7:F1:EA:53:3B\",\n     \"Yes\",\n     {\n       \"id\": 1,\n       \"fingerprint\": \"67:1C:7A:E3:D2:2D:85:C9:E4:AF:BB:D7:F1:EA:53:3B\",\n       \"timestamp\": \"2012-10-15 20:31:36\",\n       \"fuzzyTimestamp\": \"1 week(s) ago\",\n       \"subject\":\n       {\n         \"CN\": \"Sebastian Trueg (local ODS instance)\",\n         \"emailAddress\": \"trueg@openlinksw.com\"\n       }\n     }\n   ]\n ]\n 


This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.


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