. "

Before creating an account via user.register() this method can be used to check the availability of the user name and the email address.

Although both parameters are marked as optional reliable results are only obtained if both parameters are given.

  • \n\nname\n\n\n

    The user account name to check.

  • \n
  • \n\nemail\n\n\n

    The corresponding email address.

  • \n\n

    An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in ODS Error Result Codes. If the account name and email address are available 1 is returned. Otherwise an error code and a human readable message indicating the problem are returned and the HTTP status code is set to 400.

    \nError Codes







    \n $ curl -i http://www.iodbc.org/ods/api/user.checkAvailability?name=demo2&email=demo2@hello.com\n\n HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n Server: Virtuoso/06.01.3127 (Linux) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu\n Connection: Keep-Alive\n Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 15:44:46 GMT\n Accept-Ranges: bytes\n Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"\n Content-Length: 57\n\n <result><code>1</code><message>Success</message></result>\n 


    This function does not require any authentication.


    " . . . "

    Check if a certain user account name is available.

    " . . "GET" . "text/xml" . . . "EntryPoint - user_checkAvailability" .