"Basic Entity Description Service ACL Scope" . "Entity description page that enables basic exploration of an entity description\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvia navigation over different entity relationship types [a/k/a deep follow-your-nose exploration].\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThe simplified interface provided by this service doesn't expose instances of classes [or entity types] "@en . . . . . "This class of service is endowed with properties that enable it to be constrained by fine-grained\n\t\t\t\taccess controls (ACLs) that cover identity-scoped privileges such as: read, sponger middleware service controlled write,\n\t\t\t\tand general write. By default all identity principals (users) are granted read access and sponger controlled write. "@en . . . "http://{cname}/about/" . "/about/html/{entity-uri}" . "/about/html/{uri-scheme}/{path}" . . "/about/html/{uri-scheme}/{path}?@Lookup@=&refresh=add" . . "/about/html/{entity-uri}?@Lookup@=&refresh=clean" .