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OpenLink ODBC Bench is an open-source ODBC Benchmarking tool providing real-time comparative benchmarking for ODBC Drivers, Database Engines, and Operating Systems combinations. The Benchmarks in this application are loosely based on the TPC-A and TPC-C standard benchmarks, with modifications to specifically test the performance of an ODBC Driver and/or Database Engine in a client/server environment. The benchmark results can be automatically stored to an ODBC Datasource or XML file for further analysis and comparisons to be made.


All releases can be found on the Project File-List page.

Latest release: v1.1, April 2, 2012

This release contains

  • Support for MacOS X 10.5 and 10.6
  • Converted MacOS X UI from NIB for XIB
  • Added initial ReadMe.rtf for Mac OS X 10.5 installer
  • Small bugfixes

Additionally, while files will continue to be hosted on sourceforge for the time being, the project development hosting has moved to Github.


Previous Release 1.0.0, November 4, 2005

This contains these improvements over previous releases:

  • added native Carbon support for MacOS X
  • various stability bug-fixes (concerning memory-allocation and saving of XML files)
  • various bug-fixes related to file-system case-sensitivity and directories with spaces in the name
  • documentation improvements

Previous release: 0.99.21, June 6, 2004

This was the first release of ODBC-Bench on

Download the source tarball from sourceforge.


This document walks you through installing and using ODBC Bench.

Git Access

To check out a copy of the Git repository, run

$ git clone git://

Related pages:

Bug Fixes

If you find a bug and have the know-how to fix it, please create a "diff file" using GNU's "diff", preferably with "context" (diff -c or diff -u).

If the patch is small, add the patch file as an attachment to your mail if possible, otherwise tell us where we can pick it up. This will reduce the turnaround time for new updates etc.

Patches and new contributions can be submitted as diffs from the current archive by running the command: git format-patch; these may then be emailed to the OpenLink iODBC source archive manager at to be included the next distribution. Please provide accompanying documentation on which bugs are fixed or new features are introduced.


ODBC-Bench is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.